Tuesday, August 25, 2020

TRANSITIONS TO PRACTICE WORKBOOK Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Changes TO PRACTICE WORKBOOK - Essay Example Basically the normal results from chemotherapy are to fix a particular disease; when fix is definitely not a potential arrangement, to impede the development of the tumor; to realize help of manifestations like torment in malignant growth; to diminish the size of the tumors on the off chance that different mediations like medical procedure or radiation are considered as arrangements and to evacuate little segments of tumors that might be available after careful intercessions (Ignoffo, Rosenbaum and Dollinger, 2008). For the organization of Mr. T’s chemotherapy he needs a portacath embedded. After inclusion Mr. T comes back to your ward what explicit nursing care does he need corresponding to his portacath addition for the initial 48 hours? The quick consideration needs of Mr. T post portacath inclusion include, keeping the site of addition clean, torment evaluation and counteraction, contamination avoidance, control of any potential inconveniences, as pneumo chest and keeping the line clean by flushing (Wood, 2000). Site of addition must be analyzed and any blood recolored dressing should be changed. As the sedation wears off, agony might be experienced by the patient and Langhorne, Fulton and Otto, 2007 suggest the appraisal of torment experienced and the utilization of medicine like paracetamol to ease the experience of torment. Contamination control is the following issue and for this reason nursing care needs to focus on whether there are any indications of disease, as proceeded with torment, irritation and any overflowing at the site reminiscent of disease and start activity to control the contamination (Verfaillie et al, 2005). Blockage of the Portacart line is the following issue in nursing care and Nursing Mana gement of Intraperitoneal Access Devices, 2006, proposes the utilization of the Huber needle for flushing the line. Frequency of horrendous pneumothorax has been accounted for after the system and should the patient

Saturday, August 22, 2020

leukemia1 essays

leukemia1 articles As indicated by the Cancer Book from the American Cancer Society, Leukemia is a malignant growth of the blood. It was first recognized as another infection in around 1830 in Germany. The logical term, leukemia, originates from the Greek words that signify white blood. The malady is portrayed as a harmful issue of the blood itself, yet in addition of the organs that produce the platelets in the body. The organs are primarily the bone marrow and the lymph framework, where typical red and white cells, lymph cells, and platelets develop before entering the circulatory system. Ordinary cells for the most part experience a similar procedure yet with contrasts in rate, number, and capacity. With the illness, the bone marrow won't have the option to create the adequate degrees of red platelets and platelets, while the white platelets will deliver so quickly that the cells won't become adult enough to ward off diseases. As the malady advances, the entire blood framework will get pointless bec ause of the huge measure of juvenile cells created. In the event that an individual with the ailment isn't dealt with, there will be over the top draining and contaminations until the body arrives at where it turns out to be unprotected. The body will make minor injury or disease intense. Leukemia itself doesn't generally slaughter individuals. Rather, incredible contaminations, for example, little infection or microbes on the grounds that there are insufficient typical white platelets in the body. Additionally, individuals could pass on structure inner dying, which could have been forestalled by the platelets. Leukemia shows up more ordinarily in grown-ups then kids. A review in 1989 expressed that roughly 25,000 new instances of the ailment are analyzed yearly in the United States, 22,500 of them are grown-ups and just 2,500 are youngsters. It additionally shows that men are influenced by leukemia 30 percent more much of the time than ladies. Ten years back, around 17,000 individu als pass on from the illness every year. A large number of the progressed modern countries have in... <!

Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Blount, William

Blount, William Blount, William, 1749â€"1800, American political leader, b. near Windsor, N.C. He served in the American Revolution and later became a legislator in North Carolina, a member of the Continental Congress (1782â€"83, 1786â€"87), and a delegate to the Federal Constitutional Convention (1787). Washington appointed (1790) him governor of the Territory South of the River Ohio (present-day Tennessee), and there he also had charge (1790â€"96) of Native American affairs. Blount handled this dual position successfully until financial difficulties forced him into a plan whereby frontiersmen and Native Americans were to help the British conquer Spanish Florida and Louisiana. Before the plan was discovered he presided over the Tennessee constitutional convention (1796) and became one of the state's first U.S. Senators. When the Florida plot was discovered he was expelled (1797) from the Senate. While impeachment proceedings (later dropped) were being instituted, Blount was elected (1798) to the T ennessee senate and was chosen its speaker. See biography by W. H. Masterson (1954, repr. 1969). The Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia, 6th ed. Copyright © 2012, Columbia University Press. All rights reserved. See more Encyclopedia articles on: U.S. History: Biographies

Friday, May 22, 2020

Lack Of Alcohol Consumption On Campus - 2014 Words

Universities and colleges in the United States are split up into different categories. Private, public, four years, and two years are just some of the different types of colleges in the United States. To be even more specific all colleges are broken down into two major categories: dry and wet campuses. Dry campus are basically universities that do not allow alcohol consumption on campus even if you are at the drinking age. Wet campuses are the exact opposite. Most wet campuses are huge schools where they can not control the alcohol consumption, such as the University of Connecticut, Penn State, etc. Dry campuses on the other hand are mostly smaller schools where alcohol consumption can be monitored. Examples of this are ECSU, and all the other Connecticut state schools. The reasons for these differences are because the universities are trying to decrease the amount of drinking on campus, but does this actually work? is the percentage of alcohol consumption lower on dry campuses than wet campuses? After researching these topics and experiencing this first hand it is clear that the percentage of alcohol consumption on dry campuses is not low enough compared to the percentage in wet campus, to be considered a good way of solving the problem of binge drinking in universities. Dry campus restrictions don t work because they don t impede students from buying alcohol, they don t impede them from drinking off campus, and they fail to prevent alcohol related incidents. AlcoholShow MoreRelatedAlcohol And Drugs And Their Effects On First Year Students1544 Words   |  7 PagesAlcohol and Drugs and their Effects on First-Year Students Alcohol has been a part of human society for millennia. It can be found in churches, gas stations, supermarkets, and nearly everywhere else. Drugs are becoming more ubiquitous as well, with the legalization of cannabis now active in some form in 25 states (Maciag â€Å"State†). However, no single place is more saturated with alcohol and drugs than the college campus. Despite the troves of research that have been done to give evidence that theyRead MoreThe Legal Drinking Age Should Be Abolished1634 Words   |  7 PagesLegality and Liquor: A Balancing Act Laws surrounding alcohol use and consumption in the United States all stem from one major root: the Prohibition Era of the 1920s. The Prohibition Era lasted almost thirteen years and banned the production, the distribution, and the sale of alcohol. In 1933, the Prohibition Act was repealed and states designated their own legal drinking age. In 1984 the National Minimum Drinking Age act was passed and raised the drinking age in the United States to twenty-one.Read MoreThe Effects Of Alcohol On College Students Essay1312 Words   |  6 PagesAlcohol is one of the most popularly used substances in America (Fuertes Hoffman, 2016). Amongst all who consume alcohol, college students ages 18 to 24, have proven to consume more alcohol than any other age or group (Koyama Belli, 2011). Ruberman (2014) explained that college students between the ages of 18 to 24 are experiencing a time in life when mental illness levels are high. College students are also enduring higher levels of stress tha n normal that stem from social pressures and newRead More`` Hooking Up : What Educators Need For Know968 Words   |  4 Pagestoday’s generation Bogle believes hook up culture has changed the way we react to subjects such as sexual assault. â€Å"Sexual assault on the college campus stems from the ambiguity of the ’unable to consent’ provision of state laws† (Bogle 250). â€Å"Hooking Up† usually occurs at parties towards the in the night when students are under the influence of alcohol. In Bogle’s view the shift of dating practices to hooking up have created more problems in the prevention of rape. She goes to explain that becauseRead MoreCollege Binge Drinking As A Right Of Passage1447 Words   |  6 PagesFor countless young adults after high school the next stepping stone is college, however, students are not only learning from the classes they attend, but also from the parties. Consequently, they are being introduced to alcohol and p lenty of it; learning how to shotgun a beer or attempt a keg stand is all the rage. Suddenly, people are viewing college binge drinking as a right of passage for even their youngest students. Thus, demands the questioning of lowering the drinking age to counteract collegeRead MoreTemptations: Casual Sexual Relationships835 Words   |  4 Pagesstudents, the transition from living at home to a freer campus environment and the demands of high school compared to college studies engender enormous stress. Heading off to college provides a number of changes for teenagers, many of whom are leaving home for the first time in their lives. They are also leaving behind friends, romantic interests, family, and familiar places. Whether living on or off campus, many teenagers experience a lack of restraints and controls in an environment that is filledRead MoreEffects of Binge Drinking on College Students600 Words   |  3 Pageslikely to consume alcohol more than people of the same age who are not attending college. Almost half of the college students that consume alcohol are considered binge drinkers (Five drinks in a row at one sitting for a man and four drinks in a row at one sitting for women). Many students believe the use of alcohol is a big part of the college experience, thus can be concluded that the college atmosphere may influence and nurture increased alcohol consumption. The amount of alcohol the student drinksRead MoreShould Weapons Carry A Concealed Weapon?928 Words   |  4 Pagesare a very profound subject to speak about due to violence and other issues behind them. College students are already aroused and stressed to do extraordinary in their courses. Would consenting untrained students to carry concealed weapons around campus be such an enticing idea, when at any moment someone could lose their mind and go on a shooting rage? One may never know what kind of background that specific being that carries a concealed firearm has. In reality no one knows wh at kind of effectRead MoreDrugs, Alcohol And Bad Decisions1114 Words   |  5 PagesDrugs, alcohol and bad decisions can add up into different kinds of bad situations. Being under the influence in an uncontrolled situation tends to end up with a bad result, sometimes it s being raped, robbed or even killed. Sexual assault cases on college campuses have been on the rise in the last decade and the factors that come into play can make a sexual assault case impossible to give the correct punishments to the offenders from doing it again. According to the survey by the Association ofRead MoreHooking Up : What Educators Need For Know954 Words   |  4 Pagesaddress the biggest problems in college campus life, such as alcohol abuse and sexual assaults, educators must first address the new hook-up culture. While Bogle may share several appeals to personal experiences college students go through, the lack of nearly any sources and facts causes the argument not to be a strong one. Being a college student myself, it is very easy to relate to and understand Bogle’s arguments about how hooking up can lead to alcohol abuse and sexual assaults. Even if this

Saturday, May 9, 2020

Who is Talking About Samples Essay Ielts and Why You Need to Be Worried

Who is Talking About Samples Essay Ielts and Why You Need to Be Worried The 30-Second Trick for Samples Essay Ielts Within the next sentence try to set some examples drawn from regular life even if you're not asked to. Make sure to begin your essay in an inviting manner to produce people interested. Children who may use the computer when they're young have more confidence than other children. With a constructive and supportive learning environment, you are going to be able to encourage them to try out speaking and writing in English daily. In such situations, there's no use in forcing the previous ones out of their jobs very early. Some jobs demand a lot of physical exertion. Today, lots of people think that attending a university is just one approach to find a satisfying job than other men and women, although some defenders say that it isn't always perfect. Follow our simple strategies and remember the sole thing that could force you to produce bad writing is worrying too much! Within the body, you must have three to four ideas. Seeing too many parts of advertisement is believed by many experts to be the reason for excessive consumerism. Think of examples of the situations you mention instead of locating a way to explain them. Using Samples Essay Ielts The cost is often as low as $10. Certainly, money has an important role in our lives. Certainly, it is an important part in our lives. Hence, it's said, marry for money is right in a point. Thus don't get intimidated if you believe you can't write such essays. Ultimately, writing a quick essay will enable you to return and repair any errors you have made. To order customized essays or papers visit our website. Well, drafting a descriptive essay might not be a simple feat to accomplish. The readers wish to read an essay that's totally free from any mistakes so it will be simple to comprehend. Conclusion is the previous portion of the essay your reader will experience. If you are in possession of an obvious essay, readers will understand easily what you wish to tell. There are specific steps which you will need to comply with if you are prepared to create a compelling descriptive essay. Finding the Best Samples Essay Ielts IELTS is considered a big language proficiency test. So many men and women think IELTS Exam is valid only in the united kingdom or Australia and, for instance, it's not valid in the united states, New Zealand, etc.. Typical Myths about IELTS It isn't true that should you take your IELTS Exam in your house country then you will receive a high score. The IELTS exam is the most commonly used English test on earth. What's Truly Happening with Samples Essay Ielts If you would like to convince your readers, be sure you present information in a fantastic manner that may be read easily. To start with, the objective of a part of advertisement is to deliver key information of a product to the general public. From a personal viewpoint, computers can help young individuals to learn more concerning the world. Employing a computer each day can have more negative than positive impacts on children. How to Get Started with Samples Essay Ielts? The way IELTS Examiners mark or execute the test is exactly the same from nation to nation. Secondly, needless to say, you require good English! Arts reflect and inform us about cultural and conventional traits of a specific region. A chance to explore unique cultures The IELTS test will also help somebody to explore distinctive cultures around the world. The Unusual Secret of Samples Essay Ielts Have a look at the questions and become familiarized with topics you would get on the true exam. The samples will provide you with ideas on the way you answer the questions provided to you . For a better-crafted answer imagine that your the examiner does not have any prior knowledge in the region and thus attempt to explain each and every detail. The Fundamentals of Samples Essay Ielts Revealed A graduation degree is the sole approach to verify that somebody is ready, trained or has learned all mandatory skills necessary for work. Around the world, children often utilize computers from a really young age. Students lead busy lives and frequently forget about an approaching deadline. Likewise don't forget that every student differs and creative approaches may also be highly helpful. Your writing also needs to be quite easy to read and all elements of it are managed properly so as to guarantee Coherence and Cohesion. In addition, the writer has a propensity to be repetitive. For instance, you could be requested to present your opinion on an issue, and talk about the advantages or disadvantages of it. An interesting mixture of complex grammar structures will als o need to be produced.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Hunters Moonsong Chapter Thirty-Six Free Essays

When he opened his door and saw Elena, James’s face crumpled, just for a fraction of a second, and he stepped backward, as if he was considering closing the door in her face. Then he seemed to think better of it, and he opened it wider, his face creasing into its familiar smile. â€Å"Why, Elena,† he said, â€Å"My dear, I hardly expected a visitor at this hour. We will write a custom essay sample on The Hunters: Moonsong Chapter Thirty-Six or any similar topic only for you Order Now I’m afraid this isn’t the best time.† He cleared his throat. â€Å"I’d be delighted to see you at school, during office hours. Mondays and Fridays, remember? Now, if you’l excuse me.† And, stil smiling gently, he shuffled forward and did try to close the door in her face. But Elena swung her hand up and stopped him. â€Å"Wait,† she said. â€Å"James, I know you didn’t want to talk to me about the pins, but it’s important. I need to find out more about the Vitale Society.† His bright black eyes glanced toward her and away, as if embarrassed. â€Å"Yes, Well,† he said, â€Å"the problem is of course that unchaperoned solo visits from a student – any student, you understand, my dear, no reflection on you personal y – to a professor’s home are, er, frowned upon. The wicked world we live in, you know,† and, with a soft chuckle, he pushed firmly against the door. â€Å"There are times and places.† Elena pushed back. â€Å"I don’t believe for a minute that you’re trying to make me go away because my visit is inappropriate,† she said flatly. â€Å"You can’t get rid of me that easily. People are in danger, James. â€Å"I know you and my parents were part of the Vitale Society,† Elena continued doggedly. â€Å"I need you to tel me whatever it is that you’ve been hiding about those days. I think the Vitale is tied to the murders and disappearances on campus, and we have to stop it. You’re my only lead at this point, James.† He hesitated, his eyes watering with emotion, and Elena fixed him with her gaze. â€Å"More people are going to die,† she said harshly, â€Å"but you might be able to save them. Wil you?† James visibly wavered and then seemed to give in al at once, his shoulders dropping. â€Å"I don’t know if anything I can tel you wil help. I don’t know anything about the murders. But you’d better come in,† he said, and led the way down the hal and through his house. The kitchen was shining clean, with spotless white surfaces. Copper pots, woven baskets, and cheery red dishcloths and towels hung from hooks and were arranged on top of cupboards. Framed prints of fruits and vegetables hung on the wal s at intervals. James sat her down at the table, then busied himself with making her a cup of tea. Elena waited patiently until he final y settled across from her, with cups of tea in front of them both. â€Å"Milk?† he asked fussily, handing her the jug, without meeting her eyes. â€Å"Sugar?† â€Å"Thank you,† Elena said. Then she leaned across the table and placed her hand on his, keeping it there until he raised his eyes to look at her. â€Å"Tel me,† she said simply. â€Å"I don’t know anything about the murders,† James said again. â€Å"Believe me, I wouldn’t have kept this secret if I thought anyone was in danger from it.† Elena nodded. â€Å"I know you wouldn’t,† she said. â€Å"Even if there isn’t a connection, if the secret is about my parents, I deserve to know,† she told him. James sighed, a long breathy sound. â€Å"This was al a long time ago, you understand,† he said. â€Å"We were young and a bit naive. The Vitale Society was a force for good, back then. We worshipped natural spirits and drew our energy from the sacred Earth. We were a positive force in the community, interested principal y in love and peace and creativity. We served others. I hear that the Vitale Society has changed since those days, that darker elements have taken it over. But I don’t know much about them now. I haven’t been involved with the Vitale for years, not since the events I am about to recount to you.† Elena sipped her tea and waited. James’s eyes flew to her face, almost shyly, then fixed back on the table. â€Å"One day,† he said slowly, â€Å"a strange man came to one of our secret meetings. He was – † James closed his eyes and shivered. â€Å"I had never seen a being of such pure power, or one who radiated such a feeling of peace and love. We, al of us, had no doubt that we were in the presence of an angel. He cal ed himself a Guardian.† Involuntarily, Elena sucked a breath through her teeth, hissing. James’s eyes snapped open, and he gave her a long look. â€Å"You know them?† At her nod, he shrugged a little. â€Å"Well, you can imagine how he affected us.† â€Å"What did the Guardian want?† Elena asked, her stomach dropping. She had met Guardians, and she hadn’t liked them. It was Guardians who had, coldly and efficiently, refused to bring Damon back to life when he had died in the Dark Dimension. And it was Guardians who had caused the car accident that kil ed her parents in an attempt to kil Elena so that they could recruit her to their ranks. Al the Guardians she’d met were female, though; she hadn’t even known there were male Guardians as Well. Elena knew that, lovely as the Guardians appeared to be, they were not angels, were not on the side of Good or, for that matter, the side of Evil. They just believed in Order. They could be very dangerous. James looked at her briefly, then fiddled with the tea cup and napkin in front of him. â€Å"Would you like a scone?† he asked. She shook her head and stared at him, and he sighed again. â€Å"You have to understand that your parents were very young. Idealistic.† Elena had the sinking feeling that she was going to find out something deeply unpleasant. â€Å"Go on,† she said. Instead of continuing, though, James folded his napkin into tiny, precise squares, smal er and smal er, until Elena cleared her throat. Then he began again. â€Å"The Guardian told us that there was a need for a new kind of Guardian. One who would be a mortal, on Earth, and who would possess special powers that she would need to maintain the balance between good and evil supernatural forces on Earth. Over the course of his visit, Elizabeth and Thomas, who were young and bril iant and good and deeply in love, and who had bright futures ahead of them, were chosen to be the parents of this mortal Guardian.† He let the napkin unfold itself in his hands and looked at Elena meaningful y. It took her a moment to catch on. â€Å"Me? Are you kidding? I’m not – † She shut her mouth. â€Å"I have enough problems,† she said flatly. She paused as something he said sank in. â€Å"Wait, why do you think my parents were being naive?† she asked sharply. â€Å"What did they do?† James drank a swal ow of tea. â€Å"Frankly, I think I need a little something in this before I continue,† he said. â€Å"I’ve kept this secret for a long time, and I stil have to tel you the worst part.† He got up and rummaged around in one of the cupboards, eventual y pul ing out a smal bottle ful of amber liquid. He held it out to Elena questioningly, but she shook her head. She was pretty certain she would need her head clear for the rest of this conversation. He poured a generous amount into his own cup. â€Å"So,† he said, sitting down again. Elena could tel that he was stil anxious, but also that he was beginning to enjoy tel ing the story. He was a natural gossip – the way he taught history was as gossip about the past – and this was even more familiar for him, because it was gossip about Elena’s parents, people they both had known. â€Å"Thomas and Elizabeth were both terrifical y flattered, of course.† â€Å"And†¦Ã¢â‚¬  Elena prompted. James laced his fingers across his stomach and watched her, his eyes shadowed. â€Å"They agreed that, when the child was twelve years old, they would give her up. The Guardians would take her away, and they would never see her again.† Elena was suddenly very cold. Her parents had raised her intending to give her away? She felt like al her childhood memories were shattering. In an instant, James was at her side. â€Å"Breathe,† he said gently. Gasping, Elena shut her eyes and concentrated on inhaling and exhaling deep breaths. That her parents, her beloved parents, had taken her on as some kind of temporary project, was devastating. She had never doubted their love until now. She had to know the whole truth. â€Å"Go on.† â€Å"Honestly, that was the end of my friendship with your parents, and the end of my involvement with the Vitale Society,† James said, taking another long drink of his whiskey-laced tea. â€Å"I couldn’t believe that no one else in the Society saw the problem with raising a child to the cusp of adolescence and then giving her up forever, and I couldn’t believe that your parents – who I knew to be loving, intel igent people – would agree to such a plan. We graduated and went our separate ways, and I didn’t hear from your parents again for more than twelve years.† â€Å"You heard from them then?† Elena asked quietly. â€Å"Your father cal ed me. The Guardians had contacted them, ready to take you away. But Thomas and Elizabeth wouldn’t let you go.† James smiled sadly. â€Å"They loved you too much. They didn’t think you were ready to leave home – you were only a child. They realized that they had agreed too quickly to the Guardians’ plan, that they didn’t real y know what was in store for you, and that they couldn’t let their daughter go without knowing for certain that it was the best thing for her. So Thomas asked for my help protecting you. They knew I had dabbled in sorcery when I was in col ege† – he waved his hand modestly when Elena looked up at him – â€Å"only smal magics, and I had mostly given them up by then. But he and Elizabeth were desperate. So I gathered what knowledge I could, intending to help them.† He paused, and a gloom settled over his face. â€Å"Unfortunately, I was too late. A few days after our conversation, before I even set out for Fel ‘s Church, your parents were both kil ed in a car accident. I checked up on you over the years, but it didn’t seem like the Guardians had gotten their hands on you. And now, here you are. I don’t think it’s a coincidence.† â€Å"The Guardians kil ed my parents,† Elena said dul y. â€Å"I knew it, but I didn’t know†¦ I thought it was an accident.† She was struggling to wrap her mind around the secrets of her childhood. At least in the end her parents hadn’t been able to give her away. They had loved her, as she had thought. â€Å"They tend to get what they want,† James said. â€Å"Why didn’t they take me then?† Elena asked. James shook his head. â€Å"I don’t know. But I think there’s a reason you’re at Dalcrest now, where it began for you and for your parents. I think that some kind of task wil arise here, and you’l come into your Powers.† â€Å"A task?† Elena asked. â€Å"But I had Powers once, and the Guardians took them away.† They had mercilessly stripped her of her Wings and al her abilities. Were they going to return them when the time was right? James sighed and shrugged helplessly. â€Å"Plans sometimes have curious ways of presenting themselves, even those that are fated from the start,† he said. â€Å"Maybe these disappearances are the first sign of it. I don’t know, though. As I told the class, Dalcrest is the hub of a lot of paranormal activity. I tend to think that, when your task presents itself, you’l know.† â€Å"But I’m not†¦Ã¢â‚¬  Elena gulped. â€Å"I don’t understand what this al means. I just want to be a normal girl. I thought I could now. Here.† James reached across the table and patted her hand, his eyes deep Wells of sympathy. â€Å"I’m so sorry, my dear,† he said. â€Å"I didn’t want to be the one to burden you with this. But I wil give you any help I can. Thomas and Elizabeth would have wanted that.† Elena felt like she couldn’t breathe. She had to get out of this cozy kitchen, away from James’s avid, concerned eyes. â€Å"Thank you,† she said, hurriedly pushing her chair away from the table and getting up. â€Å"I have to go now, though. I do appreciate your tel ing me al this, but I need to think.† He fussed around her al the way to the front door, clearly unsure of whether to let her go, and Elena was almost ready to scream by the time she reached the porch. â€Å"Thank you,† she said again. â€Å"Good-bye.† She walked quickly away without looking back, her shoes clacking against the cement of the sidewalk. When she was out of sight of James’s house, Damon slipped from the shadows to join her. Elena held her head high, blinking away the tears that had pooled in her eyes. For now, this secret would be hers. How to cite The Hunters: Moonsong Chapter Thirty-Six, Essay examples

Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Personal and Professional Development of Mechanical engineer

Introduction Career development is a great and significant task that every person has to carry out. The path to be followed when developing one’s career is dependent on the career that one has taken up. Apart from just getting a degree in the area of interests there are various things a person can do in order to develop his/her skills. This paper discuses the development of Mechanical engineer and some of the professional bodies that a mechanical engineer ought to join in order to develop his/her career.Advertising We will write a custom assessment sample on Personal and Professional Development of Mechanical engineer specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Personal and Professional Development Personal development includes the gradual development that an individual attains in his/her career life through the various activities he/she undertakes on a daily basis that enables him/her continues learning various new things in that car eer. It is an all rounded kind of development which involves the mind, the heart, the spirit and the body. Personal development therefore enhances a wholesome development of an individual. In personal development, an individual may require to be keen on a few areas in order to be up dated and to avoid stagnating in one position. For instance, in the engineering field, it is important to outline your goal clearly as this will make it far much easier to achieve it. Self discipline is important in helping one to develop personally. One ought to point out his/her strengths and capitalize on developing them. Again, an individual should find means of improving his/her productivity. Professional development on the other hand refers to the skills and knowledge an individual in a certain profession seeks to attain in order to optimize his personal development and to avoid stagnating in one position in his job field thus ensuring that there is a job growth. Professional development is establi shed through various activities such as completing professional courses, attending professional workshops and seminars and it should be evaluated regularly to determine the qualifications and the ability of an individual. Professional development in the engineering field refers to the planned process of personal growth that facilitates development in every professional engineer to full potential. The field of engineering like any other field involves a continuing personal or professional development and every individual is responsible for his personal and professional development. The continuing personal development is an ongoing developmental process whereby individuals drive their own learning and development through reflections and taking actions. It is an empowering and stimulating process that gets individuals working towards their dreams in order to achieve their aspirations. By continuously examining oneself, an engineer views his career from, a wider perspective by giving hi m an opportunity to develop his own career and challenging him to take time to review and reflect on his personal and professional development.Advertising Looking for assessment on engineering? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Continuing personal development is a relatively new concept used by people of all career fields to ensure that they develop in their areas of careers. Continuing personal development is commonly referred to as CPD. Continuing personal development has continued gaining popularity since most individuals in the engineering field have realized that job security is no longer determined by the organizations they work for but on the skills that an individual has. It is worth noting that continuing personal development is mainly an initiative of an individual whereby he realizes his dream in the field of engineering and puts efforts towards achieving his goal. Continuing personal development is therefore controll ed by the learner. It is an open and holistic training method that is capable of accommodating and balancing various aspects of life. In efforts to achieve the clearly outlined goal, continuing personal development involves regular reflection and evaluation thus giving an individual enthusiasm to work towards his goal. Furthermore, it is possible to achieve continuing personal development whether working for an indifferent or hostile employer and with or without the financial support of an employer. Continuing personal development enables an individual attain personal qualities such as knowledge, experience and skills necessary in an engineering work life that enables him to maintain marketability throughout his career life. Professional recognition and accreditation begins with attaining the first degree coupled with industrial training and experience. These are the basic requirements for an engineer without which one cannot start practicing. These qualifications just mark the begi nning of a long and extensive engineering career which involves continuing personal development which is a responsibility on the key individual. A successful continuing personal development plan will involve one carrying out proper prior career planning accompanied by the professional development guide and records. Every stage of career development should have clearly set objectives and aims which should be continually reviewed in order to accommodate and adapt to any foreseen or non foreseen changes. An engineer has to be a member of a professional body in his field to enhance his/her development. The institute of mechanical engineers is licensed by the engineering council of UK to oversee the operations of the field of mechanical engineering. It is classified as the most outstanding professional organization for mechanical engineers in the country. It is also one of the largest bodies in the field of mechanical engineering in the whole world. In the category, it is ranked as the t hird largest globally.Advertising We will write a custom assessment sample on Personal and Professional Development of Mechanical engineer specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The body currently has about 80,000 registered engineers in over one hundred and twenty countries. The body has a variety of events for its members; it organizes a variety of activities for its members. It is centrally organized in the UK with its headquarters in London from where its activities are coordinated. Membership into this body entitles a person to the professional and thorough standards of excellence that is required in the profession. It has an extensive network with employers, academic institutions and the government thus giving its members an opportunity for sufficient exposure. The membership is subject to a fee and a yearly subscription applicable to all members. It outstandingly provides opportunities for developments and resourceful informatio n for its members. The professional registration can be viewed as a investment opportunity to the members. By being a member of this body, an engineer stands a better chance of being viewed as dependable by his/her clients. It grants the registered members the capability to show themselves as professional engineers. Eligibility into this category requires both academic and professional qualifications. The required academic qualification for membership is to have a degree in mechanical engineering; having another degree will be an added advantage as it will mean that one is more skilled. The profession qualifications include a competence that meets a required standard of experience outlined by the engineering council of UK. The council has also developed qualifications that must be met by those who register through particular industries. The career development offered by the body is to all levels of members in an attempt to improve their careers in both the horizontal and vertical di mensions. Volunteering is also open to all members of the institution on either short term or long term basis (Borowick, 1989). The membership of the body has a number of categories. On top of the categories is honorary fellow. This is a class of people whose achievements in engineering science are distinguished or people who have offered outstanding inputs to the body. After the honorary fellows is a class of individuals called fellows. These are trained engineers in the mechanical sector who are approved by the engineering council of UK and have as well been identified as chartered or incorporated engineers. Following the fellow category is the group known as members. The members are trained engineers from recognized institutions who in addition, have finished the duration of responsible professional practice. The members must have qualified academically and in competence and must have been approved as per the requirements of the engineering council of UK besides being chartered o r incorporated engineers.Advertising Looking for assessment on engineering? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The next group is the class of associate member which is the set of engineers who have met the minimum academic requirement into the body and in addition completed or are in the process of fulfilling the competency requirement of the engineering council of UK. For individuals who do not undertake the charter or incorporation, they can still be accommodated in the sets of affiliate engineer or companion engineer. An affiliate engineer can be an individual undertaking a course or an individual who is participating or has invested interest in the field of engineering. The companion is on the other hand a person who has a recognized position in a profession that is related to mechanical engineering or an individual who has contributed valuable services to the institution or to the mechanical engineering field in general. Corporate membership into the institution on the other hand requires academic and professional competency needed by the engineering council of UK. On top of the institu te of mechanical engineers is the engineering council UK. This is the umbrella institution that oversees the profession of engineering. Overall, the engineering council has a record of over two hundred and thirty thousand registered engineers. The main function of the engineering council is to establish and implement both ethical and competent standards that are internationally appreciated. Its main objective is to ensure that all the stake holders in the field of engineering possess confidence in their acquired skills and experience. The duties of the engineering council UK as explained in the year 2002 include: monitoring and provision of support for the registered engineering institutions of which the institute of mechanical engineering is part. In this aspect, the council ensures exact and correct implementation of standards and regulations laid down for the various engineering fields. Also in the activities of the council is the developing of academic and training opportunities and mechanisms. Much of this role has been witnessed in the development learning processes like establishment of curriculum content. The council is also on its own a member of international bodies. The professional levels in engineering are also guided by the engineering council which has got many other and diversified roles. By being a member of a professional body one gets the opportunity of developing his skills in the engineering. It also becomes possible for one to learn from professionals in the field and creating friendship with them. Having friends in your profession as such kind of friendship can be used to develop each other in the career. Conclusion The Engineering council and the various engineering institutions’ main goal in registering and licensing engineers is to help them to build on their professional and personal developments in order to have full potential and to be competent in their field. Furthermore, the engineering council ensures that the institutio ns as well as the individuals adhere to the internationally set standards of professional competence and ethics that govern the allocation and maintenance of these professional titles. The council thus ensures confidence and reliability among the individuals, by the government and even outside the geographical borders (Aucoin, 2002). Mechanical engineering just like the other branches of engineering is a professional field that requires high level of competency. It requires institutions to monitor and regulate the services that are rendered by members of the discipline. The institute of mechanical engineers in conjunction with and under the guidelines of the umbrella body, the engineering council, ensures that competency and ethical values are upheld in the field of mechanical engineering. Its activities like seminars and workshops help the members to acquaint themselves with the developing technology in the field as well as acquiring experience and further skills. Its licensing rol e is also as regulatory measure to ensure that only qualified individuals are allowed to practice in the field. The distinct membership classes can as well be seen as motivations to development of individual members as it promotes a healthy competition into development in competency (Megginson, 2007). References Aucoin, M. (2002). From Engineer to Manager: Mastering the Transition (Technology Management Professional Development Library). New York, NY: Prentice. Borowick, J. (1989). Career Management and Professional Development for the Engineer. New York, NY: Ginn Press. Megginson, D. (2007). Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development. New York, NY: Cengage. This assessment on Personal and Professional Development of Mechanical engineer was written and submitted by user AlvinMaker to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

Friday, March 20, 2020

love in the gift of the magi Essays

love in the gift of the magi Essays love in the gift of the magi Essay love in the gift of the magi Essay Love is of great concern not only for the young but for all people. As Khalil Gibran said that Life without love is like a tree without blossoms or fruit. Indeed, love appears everywhere and at any moment, it always exists in the depth of each person. True love doesnt happen right away; its an ever-growing process. It develops after youve gone through many ups and downs, when youve suffered together, cried together, laughed together (Ricardo Montalban). As a typical example, love between Jim and Della in The gift of the Magi written by O. Henry is worth thinking about. It is love of deep understanding and great sacrifice for each other. At the beginning of the story is Della flopping down on the shabby with great disappointment. All she has is Just one dollar and eighty-seven cents saved by bargaining the grocer and the vegetable man. However the only thing she cared for is how to give her husband whom she spent her best love for a Christmas present. To Della, Jim is the most precious person and she could not have lived through Christmas without giving Jim a present. Afterward, she had her beautiful hair cut and sold it to get enough money to buy something fine and rare and sterling that is worth the love she has for him. And that is a platinum chain for his watch. This not only displays her love, but also great sacrifice for the love. Ironically, Jim sold the watch to buy Della a comb at the same time because he knew that she wanted to have it for a long time and that beautiful comb would be suitable for her great hair. They always care for each other, they know exactly what the other needs and wants, hich shows how much deeply they understand each other. Additionally, Both Jim and Della have two most important and priced possessions-Dellas hair which is long and beautiful and Jims watch which has been a family possession passed down through generations from fathers to their sons. Because of their financial constraints they have no choice but to sacrifice the only possessions that they treasure in their lives for the sake of expression their love. There was no greater sacrifice that would have been offered apart from what the two did. Their gifts carry not only the sincere, strong and deep love but the considerable sacrifice for each other. It is understandable that the deep love between Jim and Della makes great impression on the readers. Their love does not consist in gazing at each other, but in looking outward together in the same direction (Antoine de Saint Exupery). Despite the risks, humiliation and costs of the sacrifice each of them is ready to lose what they have to express their love, which makes love between them like a eternally burning fire love in the gift of the magi By hoanglachy

Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Recommend a Good Book to Me - Interview Question Tips

Recommend a Good Book to Me - Interview Question Tips The question can come in many different forms: Whats the last book you read?; Tell me about a good book youve read recently; Whats your favorite book? Why?; What types of books do you like to read?; Tell me about a good book you read for pleasure. Its one of the most common interview questions. The Purpose of the Question Whatever the form of the question, the interviewer is trying to learn a few things by asking about your reading habits and book preferences: Do you read for pleasure?  Active readers are people who are intellectually curious. They are also people who are likely to have better reading comprehension and writing skills than non-readers. Students who read a lot in high school are more likely to succeed in college than students who dont.Do you know how to talk about books?  A lot of your college course work will involve discussing and writing about what you have read. This interview question helps figure out if you are up for the challenge.Your interests. You are likely to get asked about your interests and passions in another interview question, but books are one more way to approach the topic. If you have a love of novels about Cold War espionage, that information helps the interviewer get to know you better.A book recommendation. An interview is a two-way conversation, and your interviewer may actually want to learn about some good books he or she isnt familiar with. The Best Books to Discuss Dont try to second guess this question too much by recommending a book simply because it has historical or cultural significance. Youll sound insincere if you state that Bunyans Pilgrims Progress is your favorite book when in truth your much prefer Stephen King novels. Nearly any work of fiction or nonfiction can work for this question as long as you have things to say about it and it is at an appropriate reading-level for a college-bound student. There are, however, a few types of works that might be weaker choices than others. In general, avoid works such as these: Works that were obviously assigned in class. Part of this question is to see what you read outside of class. If you name To Kill a Mockingbird or Hamlet, youll sound as if youve never read anything but assigned books.Juvenile fiction. You dont need to hide your love of Diary of a Wimpy Kid or Redwall books, but these works are also loved by kids much younger than you. Youd do better to recommend a book that is more in line with a college-level reader.Works chosen simply to impress. James Joyces Finnegans Wake isnt anyones favorite book, and youll sound insincere if you recommend a challenging book in an effort to make yourself look smart. The issue gets a little more fuzzy with works like Harry Potter and Twilight. Certainly plenty of adults (including many college admissions folks) devoured all of the Harry Potter books, and youll even find college courses on Harry Potter (check out these top colleges for Harry Potter fans). You certainly dont need to hide the fact that you were addicted to popular series such as these. That said, so many people love these books (including much younger readers) that they make for a rather predictable and uninteresting answer to the interviewers question. So what is the ideal book? Try to come up with something that fits these general guidelines: Pick a book that you sincerely love and that you are comfortable talking about.Pick a book with enough substance to it so that you can explain why you like the book.Pick a book that is at an appropriate reading level; something that is a huge hit among fourth-graders is probably not your best choice.Pick a book that gives the interviewer a window into your interests and passions. This last point is important -   the interviewer wants to get to know you better. The fact that the college has interviews means that they have holistic admissions  - they are evaluating you as a person, not as a collection of grades and test scores.  This interview question isnt so much about the book you choose as it is about you. Make sure you are able to articulate why you are recommending the book. Why did the book speak to you more than other books? What about the book did you find so compelling? How did the book engage issues that you are passionate about? How did the book open your mind or create new understanding? Some Final Interview Advice As you prepare for your interview, be sure to master each of these 12 common interview questions. Also be sure to avoid these 10 interview mistakes. The interview is typically a friendly exchange of information, so try not to get to stressed about it. If youve focused on a book that you truly enjoyed reading and youve thought about why you enjoy it, you should have little difficulty with this interview question.

Sunday, February 16, 2020

The Cost of Illegal Immigrants in Texas Research Paper

The Cost of Illegal Immigrants in Texas - Research Paper Example This quote is an extract from the Dallas Morning News, which examined the financial effects of the illegal immigrants in Texas. This calculation was done on behalf of the millions of taxpayers who were paying heavily in tax dollars for the presence of illegal immigrants residing in the state. The reason why this problem is especially prominent in Texas as opposed to the other forty-nine states of America is that this state is situated in the very south of the country. Due to its location, it is very near to Mexico, and thus Mexicans illegally emigrating from their own land often settle down or take refuge in this state. Thus, there are thousands of such unregistered immigrants residing in the state of Texas, the costs of which are paid for by the taxpayers and legal inhabitants of Texas, as well as the government responsible. The reason why the presence of these illegal immigrants proves to be such a financial challenge for the legal citizens of this state is that they consume the pu blic goods, which the government provides to the residents of this country. The US, being a developed country, provides several such goods to its citizens, such as health, education, and defense. These are all public goods, which it provides to every citizen of the country. These costs are especially prominent concerning health care costs, which these illegal immigrants incur. â€Å"The Texas Hospital Association has estimated the annual cost of uncompensated care to illegal immigrants at nearly $400 million a year†.... In addition, as mentioned in the news extract above, these costs included the cost of 66,000 births in one year, which makes up a large proportion of these costs. These services however are not completely free of cost for these citizens. The government finances them using the tax dollars that these citizens themselves pay out of their own incomes, in the form of both direct and indirect taxes. However, only the legal citizens of the country pay direct taxes on their income, as they are the only ones of whom the government has a record. Thus, this allows for tax evasion by all those illegal citizens who reside in the county without the permission or knowledge of the government. They do not pay direct taxes on their incomes, and therefore avoid having to pay the government for all the above-mentioned public good and services that it provides to them. In other words, they are able to avail these services free even when they are not the ones paying for them. The legal citizens who are ta xpayers, bear the whole cost of such goods and services, even when there are thousands of other illegal consumers present. Thus, this is a heavy financial burden for the taxpayers to bear, since they pay not just for themselves, thus severely testing the patience of these law-abiding citizens. Moreover, due to the geographical location of the state of Texas, it is especially vulnerable to this problem. Another cost that these citizens pay because of the presence of these illegal immigrants is the disruption in law and order, which they cause. Their presence is often accompanied by several offences, which include robberies and drug trafficking. This is a large disadvantage for those citizens who abide by the law and hope for peaceful and

Sunday, February 2, 2020

Violence in America Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Violence in America - Essay Example Children learn at an early age the easiest and often quickest way to remedy a problem is not to amended the cause directly, but rather, to blame something else as being the cause of the predicament. This paper shall look at the typical causes of violence in America and the social problems associated with them. Lastly, a sociological reasoning and conclusion is made in light of the study. There are several factors associated with effects of violent television including developmental stages, types of socialization, and cognitive priming. Other issues considered to play a part in the effect include the idea of a vulnerable viewer, result of desensitization and the creation of fear. Education that is more public is needed to inform American society of the possible negative effects of violence on television and the methods available to prevent these effects. (Best, 2003) American society is concerned with the negative effects of television as the amount of violent programming is increasing (Anderson, 2005). This concern is reinforced with an increase for television children are watching. On average, children view three hours of television a day (Anderson, 2005). That works out to more than 40 days a year in front of the television. As violent content increases, children are watching more violence during their viewing hours. This makes the effects of violence on television a great concern to parents and American society. Most researchers believe that there is a relationship between violent television and violent behavior (Anderson, 2005). Researchers classify violent behavior as ranging from minor to severe. Minor violence is defined as violence directed at toys while severe violence is the physical aggression involving intent to hurt another person (Lockwood, 2006). Studies by Best have concluded that no such relationship exists between violent television and violent behavior (Best, 2003). Still other studies have not been able to prove, nor disprove, the existence of a relationship among the two. Researchers do tend to agree that television does have a potential to influence behavior as so much time is spent viewing (Lockwood, 2006). A realistic sociological theory, which explains the above scenario, is symbolic interactionism, as studied by Blumer. When a child views a violent scene on television, the scene is stored in their memory along with other ideas. When such ideas are activated, the child's mind is organized in such a manner that it responds to the activated idea in a violent manner because of the set of associations made with the original violent scene. (Blumer, 1962) Some children may be more vulnerable to violent television than others (Best, 2003) this includes children who identify with those portraying violence on television and see them as real, even cartoon characters. These children watch many violent programs with little parental supervision. Desensitization can result from viewing violent television (Best, 2003). This effect is seen in children who show little interest or emotional trouble when they observe real life

Saturday, January 25, 2020

Educating Students With Autism English Language Essay

Educating Students With Autism English Language Essay Many people with ASC (autism spectrum conditions) have intricacy in identifying emotions in themselves and other people. For young children learning to speak, suffering from autism present a special problem to their teachers as well as parents as they are faced with the challenge of teaching these unfortunate children how to express themselves through speech. The importance of effective communication cannot be underestimated. Yet teaching students with autism is not an easy task, it requires patience and use of special assistive technology tools to help these children learn how to form words and use them effectively. There are various technologies that can be used, while other are simple some of these technology are so advanced and needs extra training to use them. One of the basic technologies that has been used for a number of years is Picture Exchange Communication Systems (PECS ) studies have indicated that this technology improves communication of children with autism This paper intends to discuss on the use of this assistive technology to educate students with Autism. Introduction People with autism spectrum conditions have impairments in public communication; included in this core impairment is an intricacy with the social emotional reciprocity in addition to nonverbal communication such as gestures, facial expression and eye contact. Regularly, people with autism spectrum conditions have difficulties identifying emotions particularly complex emotions that call for metalizing (jealous, embarrassed, sarcastic) in both themselves and other people. All of these complications can add to challenges in keeping and making friendships and other encouraging peer relationships. WHAT IS ASSISTIVE TECHNOLOGY? Assistive technology tool means any piece of equipment, item, or product system, whether acquired commercially, modified, off-the-shelf, or customized, that is used to maintain, increase, or improve functional abilities of people with disabilities. Assistive technology service directly assists people with a disability in the acquisition, selection, or use of an assistive technology. The Use of Assistive Technology to Educate Students with Autism The theory of mind is one conceptualization used to explain the social impairment in autism spectrum conditions (Golan and Bauminger, 2006). The theory states that people with autism spectrum conditions have an intrinsic disability in terms of recognizing the psychological perspective of others. That is, they have problem imputing emotion, meaning, and intent to other people. Deficits in this part are serious to effective social interaction, to a great extent it is anticipated on knowing what other people are feeling or thinking. Getting to know emotions is one aspect of the capability to take another persons perspective. A number of studies have researched on the interventions to educate individuals with autism spectrum conditions to identify emotions. These comprise social skill instruction (Golan and Bauminger, 2006) and assistive technology interventions. For instance, Bauminger (2006) examined the use of a behavior based intervention to assist in the emotion recognition skills of 15 high responding kids with autism, ages 8 to 17. The intervention involved lessons from a social skill syllabus used in the school setting for 2 to 4 hours per week for 7 months. The lessons comprised of activities such as role play and just plays with a normally developing peer and working on the skills acquired from each weekly lesson with parents at home. The end results showed advancement in the kids emotional ability and knowledge to give examples of difficult emotions. Specially, at post intervention, the partakers with autism were likely to start social communication with their peers and spent a lot of time displaying encouraging social behaviors. In another study, Hadwin, Baron-Cohen, Howlin, and Hill (1996) taught children with autism spectrum conditions to foresee and identify emotions in others using a computer based intervention called the Emotions Trainer. Partakers between the ages of 12 and 20, incorporated in either a control group or an experimental, were diagnosed with either Asperger syndrome or autism. The program comprised of five sections that incorporated asking the user to select the correct emotion out of four options explaining photographed facial expressions, events or situations, and descriptive captions and objects. Contrasted to the control group, the experimental group showed improvement in their ability to recognize emotions in tale and cartooned circumstances that triggered an emotional response, but not in their recognition of emotion in pictures (facial expressions), on which both intervention and control groups demonstrated improvement. The following section will examine Picture Exchange Communicat ion Systems (PECS) as one of the key assistive technology used to assist students with autism. Picture Exchange Communication Systems (PECS) This is a low technology assistive system created as an augmentative and alternative communication (AAC), where pictures are used in place of words to assist children with autism to communicate because of their problems in speech development. At the initial stage of using PECS, a child is provided with a number of pictures of favorite toys or foods. If the child requires any of these things, he simply gives the picture of the specific item to a therapist, teacher or even caregiver (Charlop-Christy, et al. 2002). The person receiving this picture in return hands the toy or food to the child. Through this exchange, communication is then strengthened. Similarly PECS can as well be applied to make suggestions regarding things viewed or heard within the surrounding. For instance, a student might view a car passing by and give a picture of a car to his teacher. The objective of this method is that, when a child starts to acknowledge the importance of communication, the child will start using natural speech instead of pictures. How this assistive technology works A student with autism can be taught how to use this technology by his teacher, caregiver or a therapist, who understands the way this technology works. Normally, an applied behavior analysis (ABA) method is applied. Through this method, prompts are offered to control the picture exchange. More so, in the initial stages of PECS training, the student selects a picture he wants and gets what is on the picture, for instance food. Receiving food is meant to give a positive reinforcement to the student for his use of the picture in communicating. Normally PECS training entails six stages: Stage I: the teacher lists down a list of the students favorite items normally starting with foods. A single item from the list is chosen for the opening training lesson, and items picture is drawn. The item can be put in a place visible to the student, to allow the student to view the item but not to pick it. When the child seems interested in the item, the teacher gives such a student a picture card of the item. The teacher guides the students hand to pick the picture and give it to the teacher. The moment the teacher receives the card from the student, he communicates loudly the want the student wants, for instance, he say so you want the cake and give the cake to the child. Stage II: the teacher moves a little distance in order for the student to move towards him to give the picture card to the teacher. Stage III: the student is provided with several picture cards so that he can choose the one representing what he wants. The selected picture card is given to the teacher, at this moment; the student may use a binder or a communication board where the cards will be held. Stage IV: at this point, the student is provided with a card written on I want____. The student has to use this card together with the picture card illustrating what is wanted. The concept is that the student will learn the way to communicate through complete sentences. Those students who can not read the words can be in a position to recognize the words written as symbols on the card. Stage V: prior to this stage, the student has never been directly what he wants, at this stage, the teacher asks the student directly what he wants, and then waits for the student to select a picture representing what the students wants. This lesson builds the basis for future communication between the student and the teacher when the teacher wants to find out what the student wants. Stage VI: the moment the student is able to fluently use PECS, and has managed to generalize the system to use it to communicate with other people apart from the teacher; the student is taught the way make suggestions on something that he has observed. The teacher picks up something interesting and asks the student to say what the item is. At that stage the teacher also picks a card with I see _____. The student is to match the card with what he is seeing. In this manner, the child is able to learn how to communicate what he observes together with his experiences to other people (Charlop-Christy, et al. 2002). Theory behind this technology The express reinforcement coming from immediately receiving what a student with autism is the main principle of PECS. A student is able to show his inner wishes without speaking any words, and be rewarded. Such tangible rewards greatly reinforce such a child compared to social rewards, particularly during the initial stage of communication. PECS could as well improve the social relations of an autism child. This is because the child is able to learn to initiate communication; more so, at this point the child is not expected to speak, so the child is less intimidated. How effective is the technology A number of studies carried out have indicated that PECS is useful tool in helping children with autism. For example, a study carried out by Schwartz, et al. (1998) on eighteen preschool students suffering from autism and with speech difficulties established that those children were able to communicate through PECS in their school days. However, after a training of one year, nearly 50 percent of these children stopped to use PECS and instead began to natural communicate (Schwartz, et al. 1998). More studies supporting this observation were found by (Charlop-Christy, et al. 2002). generally, evidence from a number of studies have established that PECS assistive tool is an effective technique in developing natural speech in children suffering from autism, particularly if they are taught how to use this tool when is below six years of age (Bondy, 2001). Side issues This technology has no known side effectives to children with autism. Though a number of parents showed concerns that their children could end up depending on PECS as their communication tool, and fail to develop their natural speech, this concern lacks any credible support from studies. On the contra, there is credible evidence showing that children suffering from autism are able to learn through PECS to develop their speech quicker compared to those who have not used PECS (Bondy, 2001). Conclusion Children suffering from autism conditions have impairments in public communication; included in this core impairment is an intricacy with the social emotional reciprocity in addition to nonverbal communication such as gestures, facial expression and eye contact. Such children need special assistance when at school to improve on their communication special speech. Teachers and caregivers have a number of assistive technologies that they can use to assist these children. As discussed above one of the very effective and easy to use assistive technology is Picture Exchange Communication Systems (PECS), though it involves only six stages, they offer the child with the required speech mechanism and enable a student with autism to al least be able to form words and communicate his feelings. Nevertheless, as noted by Charlop-Christy, et al. (2002) this technology can be used together with other technologies for better results.

Friday, January 17, 2020

Marijuana Prohibition Canada

The Controlled Substances Act (Marijuana Prohibition) CLN-4U Unit One Essay Cailey Bazik CLN 4U – Unit One Essay Controlled Substances Act Marijuana Prohibition The Controlled substance act pertaining to Marijuana has been a long on going battle as to whether marijuana should be legal in Canada and taken out of this act. The law behind the drug has a long history and many failed attempts at decriminalization. There are both positive and negative effects to this law, but I believe the positive effects weigh out the negative and that because of this marijuana will be legal in the near future.The Marijuana laws in Canada today are unresolved, as superior courts have ruled all cannabis laws to be of â€Å"no force or effect†. Although the federal level of courts have made this ruling it has not caused any changes to other Canadian jurisdictions, the Criminal Code or the Controlled Substances Act. (â€Å"Legal History of Cannabis in Canada) The Controlled Drugs and Substanc es Act was passed in 1996 by the government under Prime Minister John Cretien. It is Canada’s federal drug control statue. This act outlines penalties for possession, trafficking and production of the substances established as illegal, including Marijuana. â€Å"Controlled Drugs and Substances Act) Canadian laws pertaining to drugs began in 1908 with the opium act, which was replaced by the opium and narcotic drug act in 1920. Marijuana however was not added to the confidential restricted list until 1923. (â€Å"Legal History of Cannabis in Canada†) Marijuana and the laws surrounding the issue only started to receive attention in the 1930’s and even then it was very minimal. It wasn’t until the 1960’s where problems arose with the law. At this time the maximum penalty for possession of small amounts of cannabis was 6 months n prison and a $1000 fine. A government injury was commissioned and public hearings were held to analyze the law over a perio d of three years. A report on the findings of this inquiry was published in 1972. The â€Å"La Dain Commission† suggested that penalties for can ibis possession be abolished, but to not legalize the substance. Of course this proposal was denied, along with other potential law reforms over the years. (â€Å"here to help†) In Recent Years the fight for the decriminalization of Marijuana has been more persistent.Research showed that Marijuana for medical use could help a number of ailments and disieses. Medical Marijuana in Canada was made legal in 2001 for things such as HIV, AIDS, multiple sclerosis, spinal cord disease and injury, anorexia severe pain, seizures and persistent muscle spasms. (â€Å"Legal History of Cannabis in Canada†) Along with the boost in medical use came a boost in personal use. According to a report from the United Nations Canada is the highest in marijuana use in the industrialized world and more than four times the global rate. â€Å"Can adian Pot Use Four Time Global Rate†) In May 2002 Chretien introduced a bill to decriminalize marijuana for personal use. This bill was denied mainly because of pressure from the U. S and a threat to slow down border crossing between the two countries. Paul Martin in 2004 tried to pass an almost identical bill, which was also rejected. (â€Å"Legal History of Cannabis in Canada†) It was in 2007 when Justice Minister Rob Nicholson and the conservative minority government introduced Bill C-26, which presented mandatory minimum sentences for drug offenders (â€Å"Controlled Drugs and Substances Act†).A recent poll released by Toronto’s Forum Research showed that majority of Canadians support relaxing marijuana laws. In fact it showed that 65 % of Canadians support either the decriminalization in small amounts or legalization and taxation of the substance. (Ballingall) Unfortunately with the new mandatory minimum sentences it seems our laws do not reflect soci eties views. (Wood, Antweiler) Although it seems Canadians and Americans are in favour of decriminalizing Marijuana it is important to understand the reason these laws are there in the first place.Marijuana is harmful to ones health and to youth. The president of the Canadian Police Association believes Canadians are trying to decriminalize marijuana prematurely. He says supporters of change are overlooking the risks. â€Å"We don’t have the tools and the training available to us now to ensure that people aren’t driving cars, for example, or operating machinery, while they’re impaired by Marijuana† he said. â€Å" There are all kinds of implications that I don’t think people are considering carefully enough†¦ Its still a harmful substance ultimately† (Ballingall)That being said there are many negative effects to having the prohibition of Marijuana in place. The Union of B. C municipalities passed a resolution summoning research be done looking into the legalization of marijuana. They came to the conclusion that the prohibition has been ineffective in deterring youth use, and production of the plant. (Wood, Antweiler) It seems that other measures need to be taken in order to ensure the youth of Canada don’t use drugs recreationally, and criminalizing marijuana has little effect. Researchers from the University of British Columbia and Simon Fraser’s university have estimated B.C’s marijuana market would be worth more than $500 million annually. Unfortunately most of the revenue goes to criminal organizations. (Wood, Antweiler) This number is based on one province alone, think of how much this number would go up if the whole country were involved in their research. The profiting of criminal organizations in turn causes more violence, guns and other illegal activity in the country. If Canada were to legalize and tax cannabis the government would then receive all the profits, this money could fund government programs such as health care, social assistance and education.It would also significantly decrease criminal activity, and save money in courts and jails. One of the main reasons in the past for the prohibition on marijuana was the negative response from the U. S, however there are now 12 states that have decriminalized Marijuana (Wood, Antweiler) meaning there is less pressure from our bordering Country. This and the obvious preference of legalization from Canadian citizens means it is only a matter of time before marijuana is officially decriminalized, taken out of the Controlled Drugs Act, the criminal code and consistent laws in all Canadian jurisdictions.This I believe will come first, and potentially government controlled sales and taxation shortly after. It would be insane for the government to not take seize the opportunity to bring in so much revenue for the country. It seems as though the prolonged struggle to legalize marijuana still needs time and The Controlle d Substances Act will remain as it is for a while longer. Although there are potentially many positive effects to decriminalization and controlled sales for taxation It is clear Canada still need the time to prepare to ensure it is done safety, effectively and not detrimental to youth.Canadians may be ready for a change and the government will eventually have to surrender, regardless of minor health issues cannabis causes. Bibliography 1. ) Ballingall, Alex. â€Å"Canada. † Thestar. com. The Toronto Star, 20 Nov. 2012. Web. 21 Feb. 2013. . 2. ) â€Å"Canadian Pot Use Four times Global Rate. † Canadian Pot Use Four times Global Rate. N. p. , 10 July 2007. Web. 21 Feb. 2013. . . ) â€Å"Controlled Drugs and Substances Act. † Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 02 Oct. 2013. Web. 21 Feb. 2013. . 4. ) Hathaway, Andrew. â€Å"Legal History and Cultural Experience of Cannabis. † Www. heretohelp. ba. ca. N. p. , 2009. Web. 21 Feb. 2013. . 5. ) â€Å"Legal History of Cannabis in Canada. † Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 02 Apr. 2013. Web. 21 Feb. 2013.

Thursday, January 9, 2020

Project Management Exam 1 Essay - 2257 Words

Exam #1 Study Guide Chapter 1 1. Identify the five major characteristics of a project. a. An established objective b. A defined life span with a beginning and an end c. Usually, the involvement of several departments and professionals d. Typically, doing something that has never been done before e. Specific time, cost, and performance requirements 2. Identify and briefly describe the six factors that are increasing the demand for project management. f. Compression of the product life cycle i. Speed has become a competitive advantage; more and more organizations are relying on cross-functional project teams to get new products and services to the market as quickly as possible.†¦show more content†¦This technical dimension includes planning, scheduling, and controlling projects. The sociocultural dimension is a much messier, and often contradictory and paradoxical world of implementation. Some suggest that the technical dimension represents the â€Å"science† of project management while th e sociocultural dimension represents the â€Å"art† of managing a project. A manager needs to be a master at both to be successful. 6. Describe what it means that a Project Manager must work with a diverse troupe of characters? r. Project managers are typically the link to the customer and must manage the tension between customer expectations and what is feasible and reasonable. They provide direction, coordination, and integration to the project team, which is often made up of par-time participants loyal to their functional departments. Often times, project managers must work with many different types of people, such as vendors, suppliers and subcontractors. 7. How does a project manager typically spend his or her days? s. A project manager typically spends his or her days working on projects where each day is different from the last. They can always count on their work being personally meaningful and satisfying, and they enjoy the act of creating something new and innovativ e. Chapter 2 1. Describe the connection between Project Management and an organizations Strategic Plan. a. 2. The typical StrategicShow MoreRelatedEssay on Proj410 Midterm Exam Study Guide1287 Words   |  6 PagesMidterm Exam Study Guide YOU MAY WANT TO PRINT THIS GUIDE. 1. The Midterm Exam is open book, open notes. The maximum time that you can spend in the exam is two hours. If you have not clicked the Submit for Grade button by then, you will be automatically exited from the exam. In the Midterm Exam environment, the Windows clipboard is disabled, and so you still will not be able to copy exam questions or answers to or from other applications. 2. 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Wednesday, January 1, 2020

The Indian Removal Act Of 1830 - 940 Words

The American’s desire for expansion of their nation and economic growth has always been their main interest and goal. The Indian Removal in the 1830’s was a great example of America’s efforts to expand through North America and their motivation to economically improve through profitable opportunities. When comparing the Indian Removal and the events that followed the Treaty of Paris, a similarity in the expansion of America is discovered. Labor, politics, and economics of America during the two eras of Market Revolution and Jacksonian America were greatly impacted by Eli Whitney’s invention of the Cotton Gin and South Carolina’s use of nullification in politics. Andrew Jackson advocated the Indian Removal of 1830 to expand the United States but this forced the Indians to relocate further west. For many years the Cherokee had endured and adapted to the numerous changes Americans made in their pursuit to expand their land across North America, such as the Indian Removal Act of 1830 which pushed Indians further west. When Georgians discovered the presence of gold on Cherokee territory in west Georgia, they wanted the removal of the Cherokee to mine the gold. The Georgians failed their first attempt at removing the Cherokee by trying to strip away their constitution and rights. In response, the Cherokee decided to take advantage of America’s federal court by suing them in two cases- Cherokee v. Georgia and Worcester v. Georgia. As a result, the Supreme Court declared that theShow MoreRelatedThe Removal Of The Indian Removal Act Of 18301820 Words   |  8 Pagespolicy of the Government, steadily pursued for nearly thirty years, in relation to the removal of the Indians beyond the white settlements is approaching to a happy consummation. Two important tribes have accepted the provision made for their removal at the last session of Congress, and it is believed that their example will induce the remaining tribes also to seek t he same obvious advantages.† (Jackson, 1830) This quote from President Andrew Jackson showed the happiness of the â€Å"white settlers† ofRead MoreIndian Removal Act Of 18301155 Words   |  5 Pages2015 Indian Removal Act of 1830 The Indian Removal Act of 1830 was an act that helped aid the expansion of the United States population into the southernmost states, occupied mainly by Native Americans. The act was a long time coming, especially with President Andrew Jackson, a long-time proponent of Native American removal, at the helm. This paper explores the history leading up to the law, the introduction and passage, as well as the sometimes-tragic implementation of the Indian Removal Act of 1830Read MoreIndian Removal Act Of 1830868 Words   |  4 PagesIndian Removal Act of 1830 The Indian Removal Act was signed into law on May 28th 1930 during the presidency of Andrew Jackson. Perhaps best known as the black eye of the administration and overshadowing his presidency’s accomplishments, the Indian Removal Act was passed into law to allow the president to negotiate with Indians to purchase land they occupied and offer them lands west of the Mississippi. The Indian Removal Act of 1830 could also amount to pure greed and racism, the beginning of theRead MoreThe Indian Removal Act Of 18301083 Words   |  5 Pages The Indian Removal Act of 1830 was a law passed by President Andrew Jackson that provided the funds for the removal of the Indian tribes found in South. These tribes were the Cherokee, Chickasaw, Choctaw, Creek, and Seminole. Slave states, following the lead of Missouri who in the 1820s forced its Indian population to leave, saw the opportunity to expand their industry in the fielding of cotton by â€Å"converting Indian soil into slave soil.à ¢â‚¬  That along with the finding of gold and simply the desireRead MoreThe Indian Removal Act Of 1830892 Words   |  4 Pagesstudents are analyzing is; what are the major effects of the Indian Removal Act of 1830? The students will be given several data sets of events that occurred after the act was initiated and draw conclusions and revise their thesis statement as they go. The big idea of this lesson to have students understand the importance of the Indian Removal Act and it is essentially only the beginning of the journey that Indian tribes had to face after the act was initiated. It led to many heartbreaking events thatRead MoreIndian Removal Act Of 1830923 Words   |  4 PagesIt gives me pleasure to announce to Congress . . . the removal of the Indians beyond the white settlements is approaching to a happy consummation† (Jackson, 1830, para.1). With promises of new lands, protection, and monies, President Andrew Jackson portrays the Indian Removal Act of 1830 as beneficial to Indians, wherein governmental financial gain is incidental. However, when considering land transactions and gold discoveries, the true beneficiaries are revealed. While strengthening the States’Read MoreThe Indian Removal Act of 18301123 Words   |  5 PagesTHE INDIAN REMOVAL ACT OF 1830 Migdalia Tuero HIST101: American History to 1877 Professor Kathleen Davis February 13, 2014 There are several historical events and issues that have impacted the contemporary political development among American history. In the history of America one of these groups are the Native Americans. The white man throughout the South called for a removal of the Indian peoples. They wanted the Native Indians to be resettled to the west because their presence createdRead MoreThe Indian Removal Act Of 18301299 Words   |  6 Pageswere many diverse, and complex views when approaching this subject matter; however, in 1830 President Andrew Jackson passed the Indian Removal Act, which forced Indians to relocate from their homelands in south east to land west of the Mississippi river. This granted the U.S. a large portion of new rich land, unfortunately it was at the expense of the Native Americans. When passing the Indian Removal Act of 1830, President Jackson relied on teleological utilitarianism ethnic views, in that he focusedRead MoreIndian Removal Act Of 1830923 Words   |  4 Pagesbut the Cherokee removal was the cruelest work I ever knew†, remarked a Georgia soldier who had participated in the removal of Indian Natives during the mid-1800’s. As a result of the Indian Removal Act, Indian natives have been perceived as mistreated and cheated throughout history. The Indian Removal Act was passed during the presidency of Andrew Jackson on May 28, 1830. This act granted authorization to the president to exchange unsettled lands west of Mississippi for Indian lands residing inRead MoreThe Indian Removal Act Of 1830865 Words   |  4 PagesWhen the Indian Removal act of 1830 was enacted, the Cherokee Nation panicked. The Cherokee, specifically the romanticized Tsali, did their best to preserve their culture in the mountains of North Carolina, but what really saved them from their harsh fate that so many other Cherokee faced, was there white chief, William Holland Thomas. The Cherokee were â€Å"disagreeable and dangerous neighbors,† but th ey had a powerful ally in Raleigh, who saved the Eastern Band from a much harsher fate. The Eastern